NaNoWriMo and the Week Two Blues

It’s NaNo. Am I having fun? Well, some. As so often happens, the battle plan did not survive meeting with the enemy, though there was a good struggle. I got some more Srivasi, that I may or may not keep, and then I switched my focus to Flame, where I continue to stumble on because what else am I going to do, give up? I have been trying to write more for ages. I’m not going to NOT write more during NaNo.

It is amazing, though, how much I got done this last weekend that WASN’T NaNoveling. I cleaned the living room. I cooked. I did some troubleshooting on the dishwasher.

What’s wrong with the not-even-five-year-old dishwasher, you ask? It’s not running through its cycles. Seems like it will start, swish the water a bit, sit and think about it a bit, swish a few more seconds, think about it… It also is supposed to do a happy little tune when its done, and the light goes from orange to green. That hasn’t been happening either. So yay, get to have someone come look at that. Money! Who needs to hold onto money in the second week of November! It’s not like something big is coming up next month!

(It’s Christmas. We celebrate Christmas. And I love giving presents. So I resent spending the Christmas money. In case you were wondering.)


NaNo goes on. And so do I. Nobody ever got to fifty thousand words by whining.

…unless it was fifty thousand words of whining. I guess. That would work.

I mean, if you wanted to spend fifty thousand words whining.

I’ll shut up now.

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