The Disadvantages of Pooling Knowledge

Quoting from this site:

Computers traced to Capitol Hill removed unpalatable facts from articles on senators, while other entries were “vandalised”, the site (Wikipedia) said.

Senator Coleman’s office has confirmed that staff there had made a number of changes to his online record.

Where he was described as a “liberal” back in college, this was changed to “activist”.

Among other changes, staff also deleted a reference to Mr Coleman voting with President Bush 98% of the time in 2003, despite running as a moderate the year before.

Wikipedia said staffers of Senator Tom Harkin had removed a paragraph relating to Mr Harkin’s having falsely claimed to have flown combat missions over North Vietnam, and his subsequent recantation.

A handful of miscellaneous vandalism edits had been made to some senators’ articles, it said.

One example was the entry for Republican Senator Tom Coburn, of Oklahoma, who it was falsely alleged had been voted “most annoying senator”.

Couldn’t resist posting this little “found it on the web.”

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