Horrid, Hideous, and Never-Ending…

If I only had me to support, I’d have quit today.  If I had a publishing contract, I might have taken a chance, jumped off the “security” cliff and bet on growing wings on the way down.  If I’d already bought the new-to-me car I’m going to have to have…

Usually I’m not the complaining type.  Honest.  I complain a lot more in this blog than I do in real life, because while this is for expressing my thoughts, I’m quite aware that there’s little worse than being stuck around a negative person all the time.  I even recently made the commitment to stop “counting down” my week to Friday.  I wanted to enjoy every day, not just 2/7ths of my life.

Naive and horribly over-optimistic?  *raises hand meekly*  That would be me.

There isn’t really much of anything I can point to that made this day more hideous than yesterday or the day before.  It just sucked.  Bigtime.  From trying to get my (late) 100th day report put together when I can’t do anything without being interrupted five times in seven minutes, to narrowing 250 6th graders down to the two who are reportedly living in a shed because they’re afraid to go home only to be told there’s nothing we can do, call the police (who had already been called), to knowing tomorrow my SAIS report, monthly class count, and ex ed report all have to be done at almost the same time…

I did tell one teacher, very politely, how to look it up for herself.  Mostly I just ducked people and snarled a lot.

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