Perils of Wireless

Perils did I say? Perils I said, and perils I meant. Imagine coming home after a long day, jumping on your beloved computer for a little downtime, some surfing, some research, and on to your creative endeavors–but wait. Something is wrong. Something is not quite in synch. Something–namely that little rodent–is dead.

It’s a wireless mouse. It takes–gasp!–batteries. AAA. I run to the refrigerator. 9 volt, C cells, AA–NO!!

Okay, be calm. Breathe. The mouse isn’t the only thing in the house (love ya, Dr. Seuss!) that takes AAA batteries. I’ll just raid the–yeah, the TV remote! We never use it anyway, it’s always the cable remote. But–no!!! again!! I’ve already raided it, the dang thing is empty! Drat!

The VCR remote takes one AA. The cable remote two AAs. Agghhh!!

But wait, one more time. SAVED!!! The home theater remote takes two AAA batteries, just like the mouse. Hurray!

Yes, Hope can trot her little butt across the room to adjust the sound until I get to the store. Hey, in the old days we did it all the time! And I’ll tell you what, we didn’t have these eleven hundred channels like you young ‘uns got now, no sirree, we had THREE and we were glad to have ’em!

Oops. Sorry. The perils of technology…

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