Only In Amusement Parks

Roller coasters are only cool in amusement parks. In real life, they suck.

Yes, it’s been one of those days. Lots of writing, a good amount of housework, IMing my best friend all the way in Pennsylvania, on the good side.

Arguing with Hope, not getting enough done to have the week go smoothly, and discovering one of the cats dead, on the bad side.

8,370 words, on the good side. But I figured out at least three pages have to go, that’s about a thousand words it will go down. Sigh.

The cat? Phantom, Hope’s ardent admirer. Not her professed favorite, but the one that played with her without drawing blood, and didn’t mind being dressed in doll’s clothes or accidentally shut in a drawer or carted around the house in a pillow case during an adventurous escape. The big fluffy sweet-tempered one. Damn it. Not that I’d be happy to lose any of the animals, but–damn it.

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