Coffee Ice Cream

Brain dead. That’s what I am tonight. Not even coffee ice cream is helping. Sometimes the day is just too long, or something, by the time I get here to my refuge, my mind has already taken up residence somewhere else.

Ah well. Holly, I remember you, I am that Sarge. AOL, right? Shelly and Eff and Bob and everybody? I’d be happy to have you reading my blog. Give my love to the gang.

I’m going to bed. Sher, renamed Lan, is having a hard time, and it’s just so fun to watch the movies unfold in my head…at some point I’m going to have to start writing them. Chronologically, though, I think I need another novel between Rafe’s that I just finished (sort of, don’t ask) and Lan’s first book. He’s only sixteen, after all! Gotta let ’em grow up before I really start messing with them. (grumble growl mutter)

Today I officially begin my new hobby. I’m not telling what it is yet. If it lasts two weeks I may, but right now it’s just something I’ve always meant to try.

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