
I didn’t blog yesterday. Silly me.

Umm…could it be because I didn’t have much to say? Naw, that can’t be it. 😉

Yesterday I forgot to bring the manuscript to work. Today I remembered.

Oh, yeah. Confession time. I don’t know how to explain why, but I didn’t tell the whole truth before. I didn’t just decide it was time to get something ready to submit–I discovered one of my friends has a friend who is an honest-to-God editor with a real-life New York publishing company. She asked me for a manuscript to send to this friend.

I’ll try to explain why I didn’t mention it–because it is such a potentially big deal, I was afraid to even say it out loud, let alone put it out on the net. Like the whole thing might evaporate if anyone knew. Silly, I know.Anyway, now I’m in a bind, because as I got more used to the idea, I did tell some people, and now I have no idea who I’ve told and who I haven’t, and now repeating myself feels like it could break the magic…

Just accept that I’m nuts, and that this is exciting and scary but I’m trying not to get too worked up about it. M’s friend may not be interested in SF at all, M isn’t even sure which company she works for, as they are always buying each other out, and the friend changes jobs frequently too. Which makes it sound like she really is way up there in the biz…

My stomach hurts. But in an almost-good way.

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