FFF–Final Free Friday

FFF=Grrr! Yeah, thanks for the reminder, Scott. Really.

If you don’t know any DJ’s, be glad. They can be so annoyingly cheerful.

I know I should just let my fanfic go, but I keep dropping in to see how things are going. Currently the viewing count is at 2125. That is very cool. I’m trying to work on something I could eventually get paid for, but I’m not getting anywhere. I have the main plot–well, the human side of things, let’s put it that way. But I need a much better idea of my criminal plot than I have, and I just can’t seem to focus on it.

My house is, amazingly enough, in pretty good order. Fifteen minutes at a time makes a hell of a difference. But I can’t relax, because of that old nagging feeling that if I didn’t work myself to exhaustion, I must have forgotten something…

I hate waiting. I almost (note–almost) wish I could just shave my legs and go to work, get it over with. I’m just chasing myself in circles anyway, might as well be getting paid. At work I can manage to do what needs doing.

F**k it. I’m going to go freewrite fifty pages if that’s what it takes to nail down my criminal element. I’ve got to get it right, these folks are going to be responsible for much of the mayhem in ensuing books…

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