Mundane Life SUCKS

Sometimes I worry about what I’ll be like when I can write full-time. Judging by my summer, somebody better learn that “levicorpus” spell Harry discovered, ’cause I’m going to need some help finding reality once in a while.

That said, I’d really like to go wander off to La-La Land now. I don’t like this reality thing. It’s just too…mundane. Oh, there are wonderful parts to it, definitely. And if I weren’t coming down from finishing a pretty impressive (to me) piece of writing, and coming down from visiting Hogwarts, AND coming down from a glorious summer of non-reality, I’d like it a lot. I usually do. But it simply can’t compare with my imagination.

But then, what can compete with my imagination? ::grin::

Just as an ego boost, ’cause we all need them (or at least, I do) my fanfic has now topped 1900 viewings. I have 32 reviews now, and several of them beg for a sequel fast, or at least an epilogue. Sorry, guys, the story is OVER. (’cause I plotted well, and tied it all up nicely!!!) I can do a sequel, though, since it isn’t a deathfic, they’re all still there to play with. ::grin:: Over Thanksgiving maybe. I’ve already got some ideas. In the meantime I’m going to try very hard to devote some energy to the stuff that will PAY.

But now I gotta do fifteen minutes in–the kitchen, I think. Thank God for FlyLady, or I’d be huddled in the fetal position under my desk… is what I’m talking about.

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