The Competition Gets Fierce

Tonight I had to fight for my internet time, and the argument came from an unusual source. Though I have the feeling it’s going to become more common.

Yes, tonight my munchkin finally got turned on to the joys of the internet. She’s been enjoying the past 11 days because she could watch cartoons all the time, while mommy and daddy fought over the computer. But today I e-mailed her from work, and when I got home, I took her online to check her mail. She saw Scooby on the Kids Only page, and she was hooked. I had to pry her off for dinner, then after, she returned while I lay down to try and get rid of a headache. She cried for twenty minutes after I finally kicked her off for the night. I didn’t realize it, but she was on for about three hours total! As soon as I got on, I went in and put a time limit on her internet use. Parental Controls in full force!

I keep forgetting this is supposed to be about my writing too. I made a deal with BJ last night, we’re both going to have something ready for submission by Sept. 1. She is going to have a proposal for Outlander done, and her script ready for sending out. I am going to have A Star To Steer By ready for submission. I think I have my query already in the computer… Now I have to start searching for an agent. Or decide if I’m just going to try DAW on my own.

I posted some notes on some message boards last night, looking for ideas for how to re-write. I embarrassed myself the first time I tried, I didn’t realize how painful my font and graphics choices were. Purple on purple, it turned out to be! I didn’t get any answers to my questions, but I got lots of comments on my color scheme! I’m sure this will go better…

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