Trial of Wills

How childish is a trial of wills? You tell me. When I am one contestant, and my alarm clock is the other, how bad is that?

Pathetic? That’s what I thought. That first morning, I think I mentioned. It went off at six, I couldn’t face it and the snooze was only four minutes long, so I reset it to seven and it never went off.

The next morning I hit the snooze a couple times, and suddenly it was eight o’clock. Apparently after you hit the snooze enough times, the damn thing spitefully shuts off?

This morning when it went off, I just got my butt out of bed. Alarm clock three, KD zero.

How did I do on my plan, you ask? (Okay, you didn’t, but I’m going to tell you anyway.) Let’s see. Up on time, see above. Practice karate? Yep. Breakfast and kitchen? Somewhat. Progress was made, we’ll leave it at that.

Hope to day-care? Are you really asking? That kid was outta here so fast!

Errands I passed on. I want my cell phone first, I want to be reachable before I go wandering the city.

Lay out my galaxy? Yeah, I made some progress today. I think I’m going to end up plotting a bit more than the vague cloud I’d intended. I want to know what colonies were founded when, and all that, so it’s going to get pretty complicated. Research, gotta love it, keeps me from having to write…

Office? Oh yeah, serious progress there. Three garbage bags worth of progress. (office garbage, not your lawn-size bags! Still a lot of junk.)

Plot some Keen? No, didn’t really touch Keen today. Let’s hope the back-brain was working on that.

Mystery hobby? No. Didn’t touch it. Damn it.

Three pages of Eve? Actually, it stands at six, but I’m not sure if that’s going to work. I’m searching for a beginning again. There’s so much there, and I HAVE to figure out what needs to be there, and not leave out anything necessary.

I did realize that a few little changes can make life a lot harder for my Marine. Which makes life better for the reader, right?

Cook? No. Clean? Yes. Go to bed on time?

Obviously not, as I’m posting this after bedtime. But I’m going in a minute. I swear.

Not too bad, for the first day on a new routine. Tomorrow may be even better!

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