Christmas Eve

Christmas schmismas.  Just let me write.

Oh, yeah–that’s what I’m doing.  Thanks to careful planning (ha!) I have only three things to wrap.  I let Hope put whatever wherever, so the house is decorated and Hope is happy.  I brought home every obligatory co-worker gift so I’ll actually have something to unwrap in the morning.  We tracked Santa with NORAD, and the neighbor brought over his gift and he and Hope spent hours trying to make balloon animals without popping the balloons, and now she is finally in bed and has been for fifteen quiet minutes.  (she first hit the bed an hour ago, but what do you expect?  It’s Christmas Eve!)

And now I’m writing.  A nice, fluffy, smutty story for my online friends as a Christmas present.  Though it’s thirteen pages and no smut yet, so it’s not exactly the PWP I’d planned (PWPPlot?  What Plot?)  Oh well.  It’s good, and funny, and will have smut at some point, so I’m sure they’ll enjoy it.  Nothing Ventured was over 50,000 words, and Shades has already topped 70,000, and they keep reading, so I guess they don’t mind the length.

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