Admin Note

EDIT: Each post will have a different password–it will be the last word in the name of the post.

Okay, in twenty minutes I start writing. I’ll snip when I’m done.

The snips will be password protected so my book won’t be searchable. The password is George. Because I want it to be.

This post will be stickied on top of the blog until I tire of it, or NaNo ends. 😉

4 thoughts on “Admin Note”

  1. Ahhhhhh! I forgot! >_< I remembered about NaNo all of an hour ago so the first whole day is gone. How goes your writing?


    1. Start late! Go, go, go!!

      My wordcount is good. Not so sure about the story yet. 😛

      It’ll take me a bit to find my feet.

  2. 😳 Password’s not working for me right now for the 11/2 post. (11pm 11/2) I’ll try again later. Can’t wait to read today’s post!

    1. That’s odd, Zets…I checked, and I didn’t typo it.

      Let me know if it continues not working for you. I’ll do…something. 😉

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