NaNo’s Eve

Forget All Hallow’s–it’s the eve of NaNo!

0603–wake up and get up. Plan is to go at 0700 to Starbucks for coffee and NaNo planning.

0700–cheer on Aussie friend as she hits midnight and starts writing!

0728–My ride had a call from Israel. That takes precedence over informal meet-for-coffee, and I don’t mind at all. I was online with Aussie friend anyway. Off we go!

0735–Sadly, Starbucks is very loud, and they no longer (or perhaps never had in that store?) free WiFi, so I don’t enjoy it as much as I might have. Planning is impossible, and I can’t access the work I’d saved in my email drafts. BUT. Great conversation with my friend, and the coffee is wonderful.

0915–home again. Cheer on friend in Malaysia as she blows through her first hour with hundreds of words.

1145–I’m in chat, still. Not sure where the last two and a half hours went. Beginning to suspect I’m too brain-ded from early-rising-after-late-night to accomplish anything. I got an email with a very encouraging rejection! I’m bouncing between thrilled and depressed, because he’s passing on Taro because “publishers aren’t buying SF.” But he’d love to see any fantasy or urban fantasy I have. Problem is, I have tons of SF ready or nearly so, but no fantasy! But! ENCOURAGING! YAY!

1500–two and a half hour nap? Check. Despite the lawnmower, the leaf blower, the kid singing…

1520–sent the kid off to a party. She’s safe, having fun, and out of my hair. I’ll deal with the sugar high when it comes.

1550–caffeine level orange. One cup ingested. Need moar!

1700–Trick or treating a complete bust. Where the hell are the sugar-soaked children? Where is the candy? WTH?

1928–I should be planning my NaNo. Instead I am pondering turning the Victorian Boysmutbunny into a serial for my friends’ online magazine so maybe I could take back Flame and maybe I could edit her into something the agent would like to see. She is severely awesome, after all. Just not structured as a novel at the moment, sigh.

2039–Victorian Steampunk Ghost-Chasing Boysmut? WIN.

2103–East Coast friends NaNoing madly forward! Fweeeeeeeeee!!

2120–Finding random names to stick in as needed.Placeholder names drive me nuts, and baby-name sites are very distracting. A good list may keep me out of trouble. On that count, anyway.

2135–starting the Traditional NaNoWriMo Frozen Pizza. Tombstone this year, yay!!

Okay, I can see this is just going to degenerate into a whole lot of squeeing. So I’ll end this post now, and I’ll be back after midnight. WITH SNIPPAGE!

NaNo on, Wrimos!!

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