The Lazy Mom Way?

I’m not the only one. I remember reading about a backlash to the “get the kids in every class/activity/team/whatever possible” thing, where parents were taking a stand, realizing we were expecting too much, and attempting to let their kids be kids.

Well, whatever it’s called, I’m in that group. Hope had karate twice a week (now she’s a little better behaved, I’m trying to work back to taking it with her, so I don’t have to be in the dojo four days a week) we have our grief and loss group twice a month, and that’s about it for planned activities. We still run into trouble. Like the way she told me halfway through karate (5:30) that open house at her school was tonight, starting at–can you guess?–6 pm. Grr.

So. Flyby at Burger King, and off to the open house. Where we’re late and have to park three blocks away, not usually a problem but I just got out of a really strenuous karate class…

Long and short? I’m really tired. But Hope’s teacher was not frantic, and seems confident she will continue to out-stubborn Hope. Yay!!!

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