Read the Damn Sign

We’ve been doing registration since Monday. I’ve taken paperwork on some 900 kids, 70 of them completely new to my school, and so needing everything done from scratch. So why are people calling at ten of four (the office closes at 4) on the Thursday before school starts and whining that they need to register their kids?

Maybe it’s me–what do you folks think? What’s more important, registering your child for school, or cramming in one more vacation?

If you chose vacation, that’s fine. I’d rather do that too. But don’t whine to me about having to wait for the first day of school to register your kids. I have 900+ kids to get in the computer tomorrow. I don’t have TIME for your whines. No, you can’t just come in and do it on Friday. I need to do my nails.

One lady was annoyed she didn’t get the registration packets we mailed out in July. She moved at the end of June and didn’t tell us, but still. We should have gotten the packets to her.

Another was upset that her son wasn’t approved for open enrollment this year. Of course, it says right on the form you have to apply every year, and you have to do it between November and April for the next school year, and she did it in July. But that was my fault too.

Our school nurse caught another twelve-year-old whose record said he had shots before he was born. Parents REALLY get upset by that. “Nobody else has ever had a problem with his shots!” I feel for them, getting shots at the last moment is a pain, but I wish they’d think. They ought to be grateful–Margot is figuring out their kids are vulnerable to some really nasty stuff!

I especially enjoyed the lady who was mad her kids’ schedules weren’t ready as soon as she turned in all the paperwork. She turned in a lot of it in June, but not the immunizations and birth certificates, and I can’t do anything at all until I have those. But I never talked to her, she worked through the counselor. Who can’t register kids. And I KNOW that counselor told her she needed to check with me to make sure everything was in order. Why didn’t she? Oh, because she had to go on a month-long VACATION. Poor baby.

Here’s a news flash for any parents who might be wondering–if you haven’t talked to the registrar, you probably haven’t registered your kids. Check into it.

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