
Shall I sing? The first day back at work went absolutely swimmingly! Hurray! After some initial confusion, of course, but what do you want? It was my first time in my office in nearly two months!

I forgot to take a plant back, which was very depressing. I HATE not having green around me! I ended up kidnaping someone’s ponytail palm from the workroom, where all the smarter-than-me people apparently left their plants to be cared for by the custodians. No, I don’t know whose plant it is. At least I left a ransom note!

When I first walked in, I wanted to yell at someone, since there was stuff everywhere. I had been very proud of how wonderfully neat I left my office, but here it was, with piles of who-knew-what all over. But once I remembered WHAT the things were (forms, records, requests, etc) I was able to figure out WHERE they should be, so all’s well that ends well. I actually feel I got a lot done.

One thing I could really have done without, is the amateur psychology. Is there anything more annoying than having people look through you, trying to see if you’re telling the truth? No, I don’t think there is. So here’s one more clue for those dealing with the bereaved–if they say they’re okay, you may now move on. Unless you are a therapist who is actually contracted to work with the individual, you may now consider your duty done, and you may back off. Do not give the person a piercing stare to guilt them into coming clean. Do not politely murmur, “Really?” and stand waiting for the truth. The conversation may now move on.

Let me make it more personal. When I say I’m fine, I am. I’m not hiding anything, and I’m not heartless. I am a writer. I have always had the ability to sort of “stand back” from my life, and observe. I’m not lying, I’m just not in deep mourning at the moment.

Besides, is it really any of your business? I love him, I miss him, I will always miss him. But who the hell invited you?

*groan* I just realized. Only seven coworkers were back today, only seven heartfelt “How ARE you?”s down. Geez, that leaves something like fifty to go! And every last one will probably want to know how my summer was (do they have to ask?), how Hope’s doing, what my plans are now, etcetera, etcetera…Damn, Chris. You better be enjoying the afterlife, ’cause you got a lot to answer for when I next get my hands on you!

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