Expletive Deleted

I’m going to have to hurt someone, if this keeps going on. I do everything I can to get writing time, and it just seems to blow up in my face. Why can’t anyone on this planet get along without my expert help?

Okay, I’m exaggerating. A little. I did get to the end of the book today, and went right back and started at the beginning. I’m getting done, though. I really am. Was really depressed to realize I only have 18 days of vacation left, though. If I don’t get edited before the first day of school, I really will have to hurt someone.

I’m trying to figure out just how much swearing my Marine should do. Seems to me, should be a lot.

I stumbled across a paragraph I don’t remember writing today. It made me chuckle, then two chapters later one sentence referring back to the paragraph made me burst out laughing. If I can do that to myself…Wow!

I also accidentally erased a whole file, because I saved a blank document over it somehow. Really ticked me off. TG I’ve finally started backing up my work as I do it… At first the disk drive wanted to say I couldn’t have the file back, but eventually the gremlin let me open it. Fresh milk tonight, wee one!

Okay, I’m losing it. Time for bed. Good night, blog people.

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