One-Pass Done!

I pushed on to the end, and got all the revisions in the computer. I’m very happy. There’s still one chapter I need to fix (it’s about three pages long, it needs to be at least five) but then I’m DONE!!


On looking back, I see I did pretty well this summer. I finished Keen (been unfinished two years) edited Taro (has been stuck in first draft for three years), submitted Taro (again, been around for three years) and edited Flame (only been around a couple months. Though I did have the first twenty or so pages for five or more years…)

Anyway. Proud of myself? Yes, I am! That’s the most productive summer I’ve had since I started getting summers off!

So I’m resigned to going back to work. I’ll finish up Flame and send her off to my editor, then wrap up a beta for a friend I should have done months ago. Then it’s catching up on the reading and maybe writing some fanfics while I try to once again survive the Horrible Month of August.

I can’t wait to see what crazy things those parents will come up with this year!


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