A Productive Saturday?

Would you believe I did laundry before late Sunday?  Washed dishes and dusted the living room and straightened the porch?  (Which, of course, was promptly disheveled again, by the resident munchkin…)

Probably because I posted the new fanfic chapter on Friday night, and the chapter after that needs some time before I go back and fix it.  I keep hoping I’ll find that balance eventually, that lets me get things done that need doing, but still write and write and write some more.  Most of the time it’s utterly elusive, but once in a while…

Ahh.  Think I’ll just enjoy my heading-towards-neat house.  Not for too long, of course, or it will be headed the other way.

Then I get to write the chapter that starts with Crawford wanting to bang his head against the wall.  :mrgreen:

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