
Holy cow, this is not easy!  Did I really say I wanted to be a writer?

Are you sure I said that?

I’m trying to write an argument.  Not just two people, either, oh no, I have to do it the hard way and have four people in the room.  Four very different, outspoken, emotional people.  It already degenerated into slapping once.  (one of them getting slapped is going to make my readers very happy…)

Sheesh.  I have to make sure everyone gets a say, because not one of them would let the argument go by without them.  I have to make sure it makes sense, since I can’t give readers too much explanation, these people won’t let each other finish sentences.  And I have to throw in body language and at least a few visuals, to let the readers “see” it.

Last but not least, there is a lot of important information that needs to be exchanged, most of it as new to the reader as it is to the others in the argument.

Yoiks.  The chapter is 4500 words already, and it does not flow.  I keep trying…

Definitely, it’s a lot of work over a silly bit of fanfic that will never amount to much of anything.  But it’s good practice, ne?

Have you noticed suddenly I’m very fond of italics?

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