Not Much Writing

Not much writing tonight.  But that’s okay, what I did get done was important.

I’m in a tricky bit right now.  It’s a definite turning-point for a lot of things in my book, and the way I had it before was too rushed, and didn’t make much sense.

So I did what we chickens must do–I admitted to God, my computer and another human being (Phoenix) that I had been a Chicken, and I got down to work fixing it.  Exploring the emotion rather than skimming over it, explaining the pain rather than leaving it to the imagination.  No, it is not a wallow–while I like a decent dose of angst as much as the next girl, too much just slows things down.  And besides–Ben isn’t fool enough to let Eve catch him feeling sorry for himself.  Shall we say, ouch?  *snicker*  Yeah.  ’nuff said.

So.  I’m working on it.  Not done yet, but as I said, it’s a tricky bit.  Part of chapter nineteen, the one I thought might be done but clearly isn’t.  I’m actually going to expand it.  Having a chapter to themselves will give the events of nineteen the emphasis they need.

As re-writing goes, btw, expanding is hard.  Sometimes you can slip an extra thought or dialogue exchange in without affecting much.  Other times it completely changes the flow of the conversation or train of thought, and it’s like trying to stick Jenga blocks back into the tower.  Though I’m  very happy that if I screw it up and everything falls down–I have back-ups.  Multiple.  Back-ups.

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