A Day Off

I had group tonight.  So I gave myself the night off, and didn’t write.  Somehow it bothers me less to say it that way, than when I say I didn’t have any time to write.  Which is the truth of the matter.  *sigh*

It should not be so hard to maintain a decent writing pace, work for a living, and do other things.  It shouldn’t.  But it is.  We have group twice a month.  We don’t go to karate anymore (not at the moment anyway) and we do nothing else.  And when I’m really going, as I have been lately, all that gets done is work and writing and a bare minimum to keep the house from imploding.  Which explains how Hope gets away with so much, why she barely gets punished when she does get caught, why my floors are gritty and I frequently fall off the healthy-eating wagon…

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still losing weight.  And I’m still eating healthier than I ever have.  I’m just not doing as well as I could.  Yes, a vegetarian club from Ted’s Country Store is a thousand times better for me than a Whopper with cheese.  But it also costs twice as much and still isn’t as good for me as what I should be making from the Menu Mailer.  But on second thought I’m not going to mope about that.  I am eating so much better than ever before, I will not worry about a few lapses that aren’t anywhere near what I used to do.  I have not had a Whopper with cheese in months.

oh flock it.  I’m going to bed.

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