Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM, the Sci-Fi Edition!

My friends are insane. I am insane. This provides no system of checks and balances for mad plots. As you may imagine, this can lead to some difficulties. The latest: The Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM, the Sci-Fi Edition!

I’ve mentioned recently that I miss my SF characters. It’s been some time since I’ve even looked at them, working instead in fantasy, in the worlds of Hiro, Fidelis, Flame, and Remy. So last night I was looking at my Original Fiction page, pondering what to put on the schedule for this summer, and thinking it should be SF. But I couldn’t decide. I miss them all very much. And then I thought…all of them. One summer, one universe. It has a certain symmetry, no?

All of them, though, is rather a lot. So.

Eve’s Book: This is actually the second book now. Eve’s book was my first completed novel, and I’ve since realized it needs to be two. So I chopped it about in half, and the one focused on Ben comes first. This new Eve’s book now needs serious help, as it is some 45K and severely lacking in beginning, with an ending that doesn’t work very well.

Ben’s book: I actually hit this one last summer. I just need to put the pieces together. It’ll need another run-through after, of course, but at least it doesn’t need as much work as Eve’s book does.

Donte: I know the beginning needs fixing. I don’t know what more it needs.

Taro: I’ve edited this several times. I may poke my nose in, but this one shouldn’t need much work. I hope.

Rafe: This, on the other hand, has never been edited at all.

Gift of the Marine: Never edited. Some of the characters still have the wrong names, it’s been so long since I touched this.

Keen: Another mess. Never edited, and I didn’t figure out my antagonist until within twenty pages of the end. Also, my MC is so poorly-written that my beta didn’t care if he died.

Taro 2: My first NaNovel. Never edited. This one will have me pulling out my hair.

Joss: I did edit this once. I think I even edited it twice. We’ll see.

Keen 2: I don’t have to worry about this one. It’s not written yet.

Kolya: Same with this one.

Right. Eleven novels, with…two unwritten as of yet, and one that may be edited enough. So at least eight novels, in two months. One run-through each, not looking for perfection.

I can totally do this. Right?

5 thoughts on “Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM, the Sci-Fi Edition!”

  1. Yes! Yes you can! And I’ll be happy to beta (or just fangirl) anything you send me! *glomps*

  2. *stares at list and starts cackling insanely* I am sorry; I think you have sent me off the deep end. *goes off muttering about lunar cheese*

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