She Turned Me into a Newt!

But it got better. Slowly.

I can’t believe I haven’t posted in almost two weeks. I don’t even have a good reason, beyond more “I’m sick, I’m tired, screw Christmas, wah wah wah…”

Also there’s the fact that I’m used to having two weeks off right about now, so I keep putting things off for vacation without realizing I’m doing it, so I can’t think “wait…there IS no vacation!”

Whatever. I am sick. For two effing weeks! And I’m tired. Post something good in the comments if you would? It’s been rough around here lately.

I promise, I’ll work on the newt thing.

2 thoughts on “She Turned Me into a Newt!”

  1. A newt! Eep! Semi-good news: I’ve finally got my EtS review done and posted at GoodReads, BookLikes, Amazon, Amazon UK, and my blog. I’ll post it on Smashwords just as soon as I can afford to buy a copy there, so probably Monday.

    No winter vacation?! I’ve found a drawback to your new great job. 🙁

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