What’s the Sitch?

What's the Sitch?

I never got into Kim Possible, but of all the things my kid watched in her younger years, it’s probably the thing I most liked having her watch. Breaking the stereotype that all cheerleaders are emptyheaded and useless? Yes. Showing a girl who could be pretty, girly, and strong? Yes, please. Positive portrayals of lots of girls? Oh yeah.

But I’m not actually going to talk about Kim Possible, at least not today. I just like “sitch.”

So here’s the sitch. Last Saturday morning my desktop wouldn’t boot up. I have a laptop and a netbook, but both are old and slow. Because of this, I don’t have all the same programs on them. Let me tell you, trying to keep up on twitter.com when you’re used to Jannetter? Not good. and don’t get me started on my ISP’s version of webmail. Do they really think I’m coming to their landing page for the news and entertainment? Makes the page take forever to load, so I haven’t been checking email as much as I should either.

Between the tiny screens and the wait times, it’s been all I could do to keep up with the challenges I try to keep going (750words at 110 days, oh yeah! and also on Duolingo) and blog occasionally, let alone anything else.

New computer was supposed to be here yesterday. New tracking information indicates Monday, when there won’t be anyone here to sign for it and if they leave it I will hunt people down and hurt them in imaginative ways, so I don’t know yet when I’ll be back on the internet.

I do hope you all aren’t missing me as much as I miss you. 🙁

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