Captain’s Boy

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A novel of the Dream’verse

Donte spent his teen years orphaned and homeless in a snowbound smuggler’s port. Now he’s a university student. The hot meals are nice and everything is warmer on his new planet, but life among people is so much more complicated. With only two friends—young Jordan whom Donte tutors and the fiery Selene who shares his table in the coffeehouse—Donte has things somewhat under control, but still he struggles with both unfriendly and friendly people, and he can’t shake the feeling that he’s getting it all wrong.

None of that matters after Jordan is stolen by slavers. Donte enlists Selene to help rescue the boy, and when Jordan is taken off-planet Donte and Selene follow. But determination and luck can only get them so far, and the closer the pair come to Jordan, the nearer they get to Donte’s deepest fears, and a past he’d worked to hide from everyone—especially himself.

What are readers saying?

things i love about K.D.’s writing: it’s wonderfully easy to empathize with her characters (in all her books), and even though this story exists in a sci-fi environment, she doesn’t overdo the tech. Kira Delaney, Smashwords

I found it an engaging 2-day read that fleshes out two characters of the Pendragon’s Dream crew. This book’s main characters, Donte and Selene were exciting to learn about. Brittle psyches pushed beyond comfort zones and safety limits are KD’s specialty, and this book holds true to that style. Silverwolf, Amazon

Donte has a horror of slavers clearly tied to the past that still haunts him, and he’s determined to rescue Jordan, as he was once rescued by Captain Marcori. But first he has to find him. And as he begins his search, his friend Selene invites herself along. Selene is stunningly beautiful, flirtatious, fiercely independent, wild and a little crazy. But it’s good to have friends. I really enjoyed this story, in Sarge’s usual adventurous and humorous style, with strong emotional underpinnings. Kaje Harper, Goodreads

The more Dream’verse novels I read, the more of them I want! Donte and Selene are wonderful, as is the brief glance of a younger Taro. I really enjoyed learning more about the crew of Pendragon’s Dream and the legend of Eve. I can’t say too much more without spoiling it, but after everything, I really just want to give Donte a hug. Read this book! (And then read the others in the series!) Lire, Goodreads

I found the character development to be excellent, so much so that you get completely drawn into the characters and immersed into the stories. The writing took me through many emotions, from laughing to crying. Each book tells the story from the point of view of a different character, each very different. All of the books have adventure, some have romance, and heroism from a realistic human viewpoint. The books are also well edited. Matthew Barry, Amazon


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