I Don’t Wanna

I Don't Wanna

I don’t even know what I dunwanna do. Anything, I guess. It’s Sunday afternoon and I dunwanna do nothing.

Oh flippin’ well. I have a list and I will get through it as best I can. Just as soon as I can drag my head out of the fog of not-caring.

It’s times like these I discover I actually have developed some self-discipline over the years (remembering that yes, self-discipline is remembering what you really want.) Even my 750 words this morning had to be dragged out one by one, but I did them. I don’t want to edit, but I’m going to–and I’m going to make it awesome. And at some point I’m going to get DONE, ZOMG.

Uh…*cough.* Sorry, interruptions break my focus and then I just finishes sentences randomly, apparently. (My kid wanted to know what was more impressive: a blond drummer or a blond bassist. Yeah, I don’t even know.)

Anyway. Onward. Here’s hoping you’re not having to fight yourself every step of the way today, but that if you are–that you’re winning.

3 thoughts on “I Don’t Wanna”

  1. I love you! And how funny is it that the tweet for this blog post was 2 before my tweet saying I was hungry but having trouble making myself eat the food that’s right in front of me. *hugs* You can do it! (I want to read Joss!)

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