That’s all. Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

Bush will get more money to kill people, with no restraints. He won’t put money towards health care, though, because then people will just stop paying for their own insurance to use the government-provided one.

God, he’s a moron. Can somebody pry that *BLEEP*ing silver spoon out of his mouth and shove some reality down his throat?

Bah. Fuggit. And him. 405 days and he’s out.

I got an email from a highly-intelligent, well-read friend who thinks I write awesomely and is happy to beta my stuff. But. She’s identified a stuctural problem that I seem to have written into every single book I’ve completed.


No, I don’t wanna re-write all of them. I don’t wanna, don’t wanna, don’t wanna! *holds breath*

But she’s right. For whatever reason, I seem to have multiple climaxes (get your mind out of the gutter, this isn’t the smut!) and then I meander to the end.

Pleh. I’ve been grousing since I got the email, ’cause really–I love writing, not re-writing. And who the hell wants to re-write seven novels? But I don’t have to re-write seven novels NOW. I need to get one altered and out. No. Not even that.

I need to get my one piece of original fiction smut edited one more time and sent off for a January deadline. I may or may not do that in the next week and a half–the period I’ve declared downtime between NaNo and Christmas break.

Two weeks off for Christmas, and you know the last thing I’ll be doing is nothing. Nothing is for worknights. 😉 Vacation is for accomplishment.

So. Till Saturday, December 22nd, I’m officially off. I will (I hope) write some fanfic in that time, and I definitely intend to do some reading. I’d even really like to write the last two scenes of Joss just so I can call him done. But I’m not pouting anymore, and I’m not worrying till December 22nd.

Possibly the first step towards accomplishing some constructive downtime will be getting the hell off the computer a bit. Since I’ve spent most of the last five hours right here with not much to show for it.

I get the feeling this post is rather incoherent, but it’s almost eleven. Muddled is to be expected. And editing is too much effort tonight.

*makes note to try harder tomorrow*

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