February 2005

Gonna Be a Bear

There’s one of those chain e-mails by that name, and what a great idea. My normal, “I’m a nice person but right now I need to finish this stupid report” growl isn’t working at all. So I’m gonna start snarling for real. I am sick and tired of people expecting me to drop everything because […]

Gonna Be a Bear

Mondays Suck

I’m pretty sure I’ve used that as a title before. Oh well. They do. 53,510 is the word count, before I get to work. And since my head is pounding, my bird is squawking and my kid would sooner scream at me than stay in her flipping bed, I don’t expect to get much done

Mondays Suck

I've Said It Before–But Damn, I'm Good!

You have to read this. Oh, man, do you ever have to read this. You will never, ever be sorry you read this book… Hell. It’s past midnight. I gotta get to bed. Damn, my weekend is half over. But holy cow, what a day! 50,863 is the word count, and what can I say

I've Said It Before–But Damn, I'm Good!

Blog Before? What a Weird Idea

But I’ll try it, since we all know I’m going to work on Rafe and Taro until my eyes cross and cannot be pried back to correct operating position with a crowbar and four Marines… 44,917 is the word count, I think. Though I believe I managed to uncross my eyes after running the check

Blog Before? What a Weird Idea

Gremlins In the Works

I blogged Tuesday, honest. But somehow, even though the thingy said it was saved and published, and I saw it there once, when I logged in today, it wasn’t there. Hmm. Anyway, it is there now. Or it was. I’m not sure what the gremlins are up to, but I will put a saucer of

Gremlins In the Works

Horses and Streams

Suddenly my story has veered off into the bushes. I’m surprisingly happy about it. (And that has nothing to do with how close I was to the end of the story I’d envisioned, and how much I’d miss those guys once I was done!) No, I’ve realized that this is where my story was meant

Horses and Streams