Blog Before? What a Weird Idea

But I’ll try it, since we all know I’m going to work on Rafe and Taro until my eyes cross and cannot be pried back to correct operating position with a crowbar and four Marines…

44,917 is the word count, I think. Though I believe I managed to uncross my eyes after running the check last night, and so continued a little farther. But that will be in today’s word count, so I’ll let it go.

I stopped sending BJ snippets, and started sending scenes. I thought I was within a few scenes of the end, you see, and so it would be done before she got that far. But she got so into it, and so enthusiastic (oh, poor me!) that she is rapidly catching up. So onward I push, I mustn’t let the poor woman run out of story before the end, must I? 😉

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