
Quoting from this site:

Main Entry: vi-a-ble
Pronunciation: ‘vI-&-b&l
Function: adjective
1 capable of living; especially capable of surviving outside the mother’s womb without artificial support <the normal human fetus is usually by the end of the seventh month>
2 capable of growing or developing  < seeds> <viable eggs>
3 capable of working, functioning, or developing  adequately b capable of existence and development as an independent unit <the colony is now a viable state> c (1) having a reasonable chance of succeeding <a viable candidate> (2) financially sustainable <a viable enterprise >

It would be 3b I’m thinking of tonight.  As you may have guessed, I’ve been wandering through my files lately.  And I came across a lot of stories I’d forgotten existed, as well as a few I always meant to get back to someday.

The teen romance starring a thinly-disguised Joe Hardy?  Yeah, that one’s dead.  Ditto the aforementioned Tom Clancy mimic with every character doubling as preacher.  But its successor?  Oh, I think it will work.  Whatever happens, I won’t be giving up Miss Natalia Juliet Bly.  Oh no.  She will have her book.

Flame?  Melissa?  Viable.  What’s-her-face, who through crazy twist of fate became assistant tour manager to a thinly-disguised Guns ‘n’ Roses?  Nope.

Mystery set in the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen?  Maybe.  The characters don’t quite live for me–but the setting does, and the victim, even though he’s dead when the book opens.

Star Trek-inspired story–no.  Star Wars-inspired?  No, all three are crap.  But–wow, come to think of it, I can see traces of the elements that are coming out in Eve and later books, in those.  The mysterious aliens (not so mysterious to me, but that’s the way it’s supposed to be), the–well, no.  I won’t go into it.  I’d hate to blow the surprises in store for even one potential reader.

But I feel better, looking back.  My file box is two feet deep and packed full, and it does NOT hold all my writing, not even half.  So I think I can safely say–I’ve put in some time.  I’m ready.

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