On With the Flail!

Last night I finally, for real and for true, started editing the Paranormal mess. I always flail at the beginnings of edits, no matter how hard I try to just get in there. I’ll sort my notes. I’ll search desperately for some dimly remembered mention of some vaguely important fact that I swear I wrote down in a notebook, I think the cover was blue… I’ll poke at the MS like a foolish hiker with a long stick and an unfamiliar creature on the path, trying to suss out the theme. I’ll print it out, double spaced and with a page break between scenes, all pristine and ready for the purple pen.

And I’ll flail. I’ll complain to my friends about what a mess it is, omg, why did I do this? Why didn’t I plan better? I’m never going to get this done on deadline!

(Let’s all ignore the fact that I can’t remember the last time I did get something done on deadline.)

The harder I try not to flail, the longer the flail takes. It’s so frustrating! I can easily waste two weeks just not wanting to edit! But eventually, finally, I pick up the first scene. I pick up the purple pen. No, not that purple pen, the other one. And finally, at last, with dread and trepidation but also a small strong spark of hope, I’ll start to edit.

When I actually get my butt to work, it’s a momentous occasion, y’all. Choirs sing. Angels show up with tiny harps. Every cast member of The Holy Grail shouts “Will you get on with it?”

So. On with it I shall get. Whee?

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