Getting My Ship Together

slinks back in, pretending she never left

So, that was a nice-ish weekend! I gathered the family for a meeting on Saturday, and then pulled a “Surprise! Chores!” on them, so some stuff actually got done. it’s amazing what can happen when four people actually work, instead of three of them planning to get to stuff “later” and then…maybe doing it and maybe not, but definitely not coordinated and thus the things that are more of a chain of tasks don’t get done…

Anyway. There’s always so much to do. Probably because we don’t do stuff until it’s absolutely necessary. And sometimes not even then. But then it didn’t last even an hour, so. Yeah.

Things have been… not hard, not really, but sometimes it all just piles up too much and I can’t keep up, so I pay attention only to what I have to–work, the kid’s health, trying and mostly failing to write a book–and the rest of it just has to go hang. And then comes the inevitable where I realize that something is coming up I have to deal with and I should have seen it coming, and I attempt to gather it all again.

Gathering is hard. I write myself notes all over the place. I use a number of different apps (different ones are better for different things!) Sometimes I, who really should know better, think I’ll just remember things.

So I start collecting the threads again, determined THIS time I will find an easy way to maintain it that I won’t drop when I get overwhelmed.


Anyway. Sorry if you’re sick of them, but here’s my favorite Bernie meme.

<3 Take care, friends. Don’t let up on your safety protocols.

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