Planner Update

Here’s the thing–I call it my BuJo, but it doesn’t seem to be very BuJo. in particular, I’m not (so far) using the bullet system to track tasks. I like to highlight next to the task with one of my newly acquired six pretty colors and then check it off when I get it done. I do > when I move the task on, though. So I’m using the teeniest bit of the system!

Anyway. It’s been a week, and I’m still using it. With the way I go, that’s definitely something. I’m feeling like I have my ship together a little more, too. That’s also helped by the fact that–I’m tickled by this and feel like it’s revolutionary but it’s probably not–the roomie set up a family chat. So though she’s in her room on her computer, and kid is in her room on her Xbox, and I’m in my room possibly working but probably screwing around, I can, for instance, assign chores.

Then I have a record that I assigned the chore and it’s right there in writing and kid can’t claim she didn’t see it, because she’s always on the app we’re using.

You gotta love technology.

By far the most important thing, though, is that so far this system is WORKING. I mean, here I am, writing another blog post when it hasn’t been a month plus since my last blog post! Why? Because it says right there in my BuJo/Flight Manual/Control Journal/Agenda, “Blog post (blue highlight)” on Monday the 3rd of August, and who am I to argue with that?

It’s a work in progress, obviously, but that’s what it should be. After all, it is meant to assist my life, and THAT is most definitely a work in progress.

As I like to say as a non-segue segue, IN OTHER NEWS–there are two wee tomatoes on my biggest tomato plant! I have very little hope that I will actually attain edible tomatoes BUT THEY ARE TRYING and I am cheering them on.


In yet other news, the paranormal read-through continues slowly. I keep telling myself NOT to stop and go back to the beginning and start editing. I need to know what I have, and I need to figure out what I’m keeping and where the book is ACTUALLY going. And I need to stop thinking so much about structure and write the blasted story.

First draft, KD. First draft. It’s supposed to be a big honking mess. That’s what editing is for, after all.

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