It’s Wednesday

For my own mental health, I try not to be one of those people who start counting down to the weekend at 7:05 Monday morning. I don’t want to wish five sevenths of my life away. Joy can be found in (nearly) any moment! Blah blah blah…

I’ve fallen into it lately, though. The just-waiting-for-the-weekend thing. Life is difficult right now (and I don’t even have most of the HUGE challenges facing so many, like trying to care for small children through this, or having to work in small spaces with idiots not taking this seriously, or being unemployed and facing eviction. God, this is a f*cking mess and it didn’t have to be anywhere near this bad!)

Ahem. deep breath Right. The Countdown to the Weekend. I don’t even have anything super awesome going on each weekend (how could I?) it’s just that for two days, three if it’s a holiday (thanks, July 3rd, I needed that) I only have to do what I want to do. I mean, I still have to do laundry and clean house and cook food and pick up (contactless!) groceries, but…well, you know.

One problem with waiting for the weekend, though, is I’m realizing that I’m just putting EVERYTHING off to the weekend. All the housework, all the thinking-required writing, all the thinking and planning… you can imagine what this does to my weekend.

So I’m trying to go back the other way. I’m making a plan each morning for after work, thinking of something small(ish) I can get done tonight, that I then won’t have to do this weekend. And I’m spending the weekend telling myself “if it doesn’t get done, I’ll do it next week. This is my weekend and I’m enjoying it, dammit.”

It does help! Sunday night’s Godzilla Stomp was… a bit less than it has been of late!

Anything that both makes progress and keeps me from wanting to bite people, is probably worth continuing.

Writing-wise, things are…things. I need to wrap up a serial installment for TDP, and avoiding that (thanks, brain) has me avoiding the book too. But the ice-jam is starting to melt, I think. I’m gonna get going. I swear.

I think.

In other other news, please enjoy this gif which may be the best thing ever found on the internet. (I do not know or vouch for the Twitter user who posted it, I just LOVE the gif.)

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