Remember the Doom?

Hey, remember the List o’ Doom? I think that’s what I called it.

Oh, yeah. This one. (Fun fact! I have a draft post sitting in my file for lo, these many months now, updating my progress on this list! But then I stopped working on it.)

Some of the stuff though, has now been done. Other things? Yeah, still on the list. The list that I haven’t been looking at.

The List o’ Doom.

Some of it’s not my fault. I called a handy-person! He sent me to Home Depot and I managed to bring home the wrong faucet to put on the hose thingy out front. (This is why I told them what I needed doing, thinking they would BRING STUFF NEEDED…)

I contain multitudes, btw. Did I watch my dad fix everything, all over the farm? Did I help put shingles on the roof, fix the electric fence, hand Dad tools as he worked on the tractor? Yes. Can I hammer a nail without hitting myself or bending the nail? Yep. Can I use a screwdriver in ways most people haven’t even imagined? Naturally. Do I know how to run a circular saw, a jigsaw, and a chainsaw? Absolutely. Do I have experience with augers, awls, planes, and blowtorches? Of course. Can I get “just a regular hose faucet” at Home Depot?

Nope. Or so I’m told. I think it looks pretty much like the faucet already out there, but anyway.

The bathroom fan also isn’t fixed. He pulled it out and sent it with me to Home Depot so I couldn’t get the replacement wrong, but HD doesn’t carry the fan I need, and I’d have to order it without seeing it (and then pay dude to come back to put it back in, or play with it myself, which–NOPE. If it needs the electricity turned off before I touch it, I ain’t touching it. Electricity is Mysterious and Powerful and I would managed to mess something up. I know I would.)

I’m happy to report all the potting soil is outside! I almost even got the wrapping paper, brought in from the shed for Christmas, back out to the shed! (It’s sitting on the porch, about ten feet from the shed. I didn’t feel like dealing with the door, which is trying to fall off.)

I don’t even know what this post is about. Just a ramble on how I don’t do things I should. Like how I’ve spent months trying to wrangle Ben so I could rewrite that book, and then I spent an evening wandering around Supernatural fandom and now I wanna write something Not!Ben.

Roomie tells me that there are now 15 seasons of Supernatural, and I, who only watched about the first 3-4 episodes more than ten years ago, should probably not attempt fanfic.

She’s probably right.

Listen–it was scary, okay? I don’t like scary. (Also I’ve now watched so many gifs and read so many lines of dialogue since watching those few episodes, that my imagination has created what their voices sound like–and then I watched a scene on YouTube today, and the voices were wrong. So weird!)

Actually, with a little more thought–it wasn’t the scary that got me. And I must have watched more than a few, because I know I got to (SPOILER FOR FOURTEEN YEAR OLD EPISODE) the one where Azazel possessed John Winchester, and Dean knew he wasn’t talking to his father because the demon was too nice.

Yeah, I wasn’t using that heart anyway… :'(

So anyway, I may need to write something Not!Ben but also Not!SPNfanfic.

Sigh. My life. So hard.

(and don’t remind me of that serial installment I owe TDP. I know! I just dunwanna write that either. >_> )

Anyway. I’m completely hopeless, I’m pretty sure. If I made it all the way to fifty and can’t do what I need to do when I need to do it…well. Bah humbug on that. I’m doing just fine.

Even if I can’t finish my List O’ Doom for the life of me.

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