My House Smells So Good

My roommate bakes for fun, y’all. And though we are very much not “we need space for entertaining!” people, she does love to feed people.

Enter Christmas, and a visit from her parents.

Roomie made chocolate crinkle cookies. She fixed Tuscan Sausage Pasta. She baked pfeffernüsse. She made bread (to go with the apple butter she made a week or two ago.) She made egg nog.

Our house smells So. Good. If I could bottle and sell this, I could quit my job and start traveling in like, a week.

It is a lovely rainy day here, and we are super cozy and comfy. It’s so peaceful even the cat has settled her cranky butt in a warm place.

I wish you peace and cozy and good smells, and a warm purring kitty who has put her sharp bits away. <3

tabby cat with orange blotches and white paws curled up on a person's chest. bookcase and tv behind cat.

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