Not Writing, Not Writing, Not…

So.  The list.

Umm…okay, so I didn’t actually do ANYTHING that was on the list.  I finished Minerva Wakes by Holly Lisle, the first book I’ve read in forever.  It was great fun at points, well-written everywhere, but it didn’t wow me.  That could easily be the fact it took me months to finish it, and my attention was rarely on it alone.  (some images, though, will remain with me forever.  Grin 4)

I did clean the bathroom some.  Bly and I went to the realty company and pointed out that most of the stuff we asked them to fix when we moved in hasn’t been fixed.  We ate lunch at TGI Fridays and worked on Hope’s in-public manners.  We stopped at the library and got the books she’d requested.

Later I made Hope work on her bookcase (since we also stopped at Barnes & Noble, oops) and I started On Basilisk Station by David Weber.  I’ve read it before, but as every fiction novel I picked up today was NOT the first in its series, I was kind of stuck with it.

But hey.  I loved it the first time I read it!

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