
Yeah, I kind of vanished there. I got annoyed by the hot water heater issue, couldn’t get it solved, got stuck on EVERYTHING because of that one thing, and now here we are, with a book edit due tomorrow and the roomie coming home Tuesday, and everything is half-done or not even begun.


So here’s the plan.

  • Do the living room stuff.
  • Finish cleaning the front bathroom, the hard part is done.
  • Do the simpler kitchen stuff (minimal rearranging! Roomie hates that anyway.)
  • Complete the closet sort because that’s disruptive, having it all out in the open.
  • Interwoven through the rest, finish the edit.

Also I need to run some errands, prep some food for the coming week, and order the camping gear we may manage to put to use next weekend.

Holy hell, where have the last two weeks GONE??

I swear, not all that much of that time has gone to watching this magnificent bit of awesome–

The music is amazing, but also drummers have the BEST CHESTS ZOMG. And those butts...

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