Stupid List…

oy.  Is Friday night over already?

Tonight I chatted for hours with friends.  That’s about all I did.  No, wait–that IS all I did.  *sigh*

Oh, and I made a list of stuff I want done before I take up writing again.

  1. I want to give the bathroom a good cleaning.  (don’t ask)
  2. I want to finish my room, including the stuff I shoved in the hall.
  3. I want to wipe down the kitchen cabinets as I promised my roommate I would do a month ago.
  4. I need to get my kid’s room in order.
  5. I want my desk cleared off (again.)  (a system to keep it that way might be helpful.)
  6. I need to visit my friends.
  7. I need to visit my grandparents.
  8. I need to visit my brother and family.

Bleh.  That list looks awfully time-consuming.  I wanna write!! headdesk

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