Bad, Bad, BAD Day

Some ***** made me cry today.

I just…suddenly had enough. I’m sitting there, half an hour into a desperate search for some forms that are NOT my responsibility, but I was trying to be helpful–and this lady calls me up to report her kid absent. She’s got the flu, it’s day two. It’s Friday. She says The Phrase. “I’m hoping she’s better by Monday.”

If she’s not better by Monday, she’ll be on day five of sick enough to stay home. But, that aside, it’s district policy. I tell mom that if she’s going to miss three days in a row, I need a doctor’s note.

Mom calls back ten minutes later, as I’m STILL trying to track down these forms for patient person STILL not my job, and starts politely reaming me for doing my job. She doesn’t appreciate how I treat her as if she’s incompetent. She doesn’t think I’m very professional. She thinks I think I’m better than her because she’s a single parent.

I don’t know why I cried. Maybe it’s the frustration of day after day trying desperately to do my job, being interrupted five thousand times with things that aren’t my job but that I’m suddenly expected to do…

Whatever. I don’t even care. It’s Friday. I wrote seventy-seven fu**ing words. I’m going to bed.

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