Writer’s Block, Meet C4

Except not really. Unfortunately. But I did do a thing!

The past few months-year(s)?–have been pretty rough on me, writing-wise. And in other ways. I have not been doing terribly well. But.

I needed to write 10-15k for TDP. The original due date was…actually, i forget. I can tell you I turned it in waaaaay later than I was supposed to. Possibly even worse, everyone else was late because they could take their sweet time bc KD wasn’t anywhere near done. So I very possibly nearly torpedoed the whole thing. Oops.

I’m not used to having Writer’s block. that’s a thing that happens to OTHER people. And when it does, I am full of support. It happens to writers. It’s not the end. The words will come back. They always do. Why, so and so didn’t write for…and once it even happened to me, when my daughter was little and until after my husband passed. You’ll be fine. Of COURSE you’re still a writer even if you haven’t written anything in months. Come on, now.

But then it happened to me. I could write, but super-slow, and I hated aaaaallllll of it. Nothing pleased me. If I did vaguely like a sentence, for damn sure I wouldn’t like the next one. Dammit! I love this plot, the characters are awesome, why can’t I WRITE THIS STORY AUGH??

Finally, with this story, I started writing in a notebook. Just a regular old 70-page one-theme notebook, available for ten cents if you hit the back to school sales just right.

If I really didn’t feel like writing, I’d spend the time transcribing the stuff from prior days. That way I didn’t get too far behind and have a notebook FULL of writing that I couldn’t send to anyone. I revisited stuff as I transcribed too, and edited if I felt the urge but if I didn’t I might just leave a [fix this later.]

And then, miracle of miracles, I would /go back and fix it later./ Sometimes I sat in my bed as my eyes were crossing and wrote four sentences of fixing, but then a day or two later, I had it and put it in.

So yeah–I wrote a thing. And I still like it. Now to write ALL THE OTHER THINGS!!

I should attempt to choose a new project before I go to New York, so I’m only taking one. I thought I’d decided on LA2, but now I’m not sure.

Decisions are hard, y’all, and now I need to finish packing and go to bed!

Maybe I’ll take two…

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