My Letter

I wrote mine.  Your turn.

Dear Representative Grijalva,

GW Bush lied.  He doctored the evidence and he lied to take us to war, so he could give us Saddam when he couldn’t find Bin Laden.  He set up secret prisons, his vice president fought tooth and nail for the right to torture, and he went around the law to spy on US citizens because he couldn’t provide the evidence to do it legally.  When he could spy first and tell the court later, you can’t say he had to do it that way to be fast.

Please do your duty.  You swore to protect the Constitution.

To write yours, go here. They make it so easy, just enter your address and type your letter, it will be sent to your representative.

It’s easy unless you’re afraid to put your name to it, I mean.

Welcome to Bush’s America.

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