Insert Clever Title Here

Is it perfectionism paralyzing me? I don’t usually think of myself as a perfectionist, but maybe that’s the problem I’m having. Maybe I’m fighting a (mild, but serious for me) bout of depression. Maybe procrastination is actually a disease, and I’ve got it. Whatever, but I’ve been meaning to write a blog post for a while. I’ve been meaning to do a lot of things.

One thing making accomplishment hard for me is that it’s hot in my room. I have to keep the door closed because it’s the only thing that contains the kittens. (Gates? Don’t make me laugh.) Even though there’s a vent, with the door closed the AC doesn’t work nearly as well. I can’t focus very well if I’m cooking. So right behind me there’s a box fan on high.

Sometimes I feel like the box fan shreds my thoughts as I think them. In response I have to turn my music up. Though it increases the chances of a spontaneous dance party (fun!) that is also not helpful to concentration (not fun.)

Add that to so many things I should be doing–worse, things I should have accomplished long since–and it’s just really hard to get anything done, okay?

Whatever the hell is going on, it can’t go on any longer. Things must be done. So I’m enlisting some help. I’m listening to motivational speakers as I move my slowly-shrinking arse, getting the voices in my brain involved with a pep rally, wearing the cutest clothes I have to feel good about myself, and reading a few old comments from people who love my writing. And I’m getting down to business.

I have a lot to do, but it’s all (cleaning out the fridge excluded) stuff I want and love to do.

As I’ve said before and will say again,


So have a video of kittens, and I’ll get my butt back to work, and we will all make the best of our Saturday.

(Yes, Siri, that is the awesome fish pen. 😀 )

1 thought on “Insert Clever Title Here”

  1. *sends lots of love and hugs* *has a word with the Fish Pond’s inhabitants about what they should do if they see or sense a dementor* Maybe it’s just something about this summer. I’ve been having a tough time getting anything done, as have quite a number of other people I know. We’ll beat this! And you’re already starting to! *hugs again*

    Those kittens are ADORABLE! Also, hi Skidoo! I see you peeking out. Do the kittens ever play with him, or do they sense the predator that’s attached to that tentacle that’s dangling so temptingly? 😉

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