What Floor?

Quoting from this site:

The complexity of life took billions of years to push and stretch and reshape the biological niche that is Earth. It would seem prudent – if one had the means – to save some portion of the blueprints of this majesty, so that the process would not have to start over from scratch in the event of a global cataclysm.

Morbid, for sure, yet still prudent. But where to put this valuable backup so that it is both safe and handy? And what form should it take?

Last week the head of Europe’s lunar missions said a DNA library might belong on the Moon.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a grand idea on its own–but what I really love about this is one more reason to push forward, one more way to get people thinking about our next step.  I know I’m a dreamer, always have been.  But I’m not the only one.  (grin)

Look at it–why wouldn’t we go to the moon to stay?  It’s our gateway to the universe.  Have you ever looked at what’s out there?  Asteroids are full of the minerals and metals we need to make things, and we don’t have to strip-mine our beautiful planet to get them.  Capture an asteroid, bring it to the moon for processing, and just send down what we need.  And guess where the pollution of the manufacturing process goes?

And no, we won’t then be adding the pollution of a lot of rockets to the equation.  Go Google “space elevator” if I didn’t blog that recently.  (think I did)  Or if you missed it.  The space elevator opens up so many, many options–and they have the materials to build it now.

The times, they are a-changin’…

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