New Book Idea

I know, like I need another one. What I really need is to finish editing the first one, send it out, and finish writing the second one. But I got this idea…

Actually, it’s a character. That’s how my writing always starts, with a character. And this one is the stuck-in-the-background daughter of my Marine, soon to be made famous by my first book. Suddenly today I had this image of Dori, and it just blew me away!

So. It’s just a snippet. Dori is–um, maybe a singer? A celebrity, in a minor way, at least so far. With fancy clothes and the whole “I can’t do it, I’ll break a nail” thing going on. And she’s on a street, throwing a celebrity tantrum because she got the wrong cup of coffee or something, and a purse snatcher runs by. And she just flattens him, WAM!, and goes right on with the tantrum…

Ooh. I can’t wait to write her. She’s going to be fun. Just as soon as I finish books one through–um–five. I think.

I really need to get to work.

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