Day Two

Swimming is very good for exhausting children.  Unfortunately it’s awfully good for wearing out adults, too.  I have free time, the kid is quiet and happy and probably about to fall asleep at her desk–and I got nothing.

Except that I’m about to fall asleep at my desk.  Why?  Because what I’m doing is boring.  I’m trying to get Taro’s book to agree with Taro’s calendar, because he and Rafe tend to celebrate small anniversaries, and the dates need to be right.  And somehow they are not.  Reading Taro’s book is great fun.  Skimming it for “and then night fell (THUD)” is not.

And when I’m not doing that, I’m getting minor suggestions and goofs cleared up in Eve’s book, from Bly editing as we drove cross-country.  It is wonderfully helpful to have her here to explain this mark as an abbreviation, why she questioned that word, and that some marks are just “bouncy damned Oklahoma roads.”

No offense to people who like Oklahoma, but it’s practically a swear word in this house.

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