Hard to Believe

Ask anyone who has ever been in my car–I hit curbs.  Not very often anymore, but still at least once a month, I don’t judge my corner well and I bounce my poor little Corolla over a curb.

So someone tell me why I hit not one curb (or anything else but bugs) in a seventeen-foot truck I’d never driven before yesterday?  I didn’t pull into a lot of parking lots, true.  But there were at least four, possibly more, and I hit nothing.  Bly thinks I’m amazing.  I’m rather amazed myself.

Especially at the fact that I’m having fun driving this behemoth.

Finished up Illinois this morning, and Missouri.  Got a little–very little–lost, just missed our exit.  Fortunately Bly realized we were on a business loop around St. Louis (I think) and we just kept going till we got back where we were supposed to be.

Crossing the Mississipi was amazing.  The bridge was huge.

From Missouri we went into Oklahoma.  The highway is very bouncy.  It’s fun for the first few miles, but then it gets really annoying really fast.  And the fact we had to pay to drive on it…well, let’s just say Oklahoma is not winning the favorite-state contest, shall we?  Even more so when I factor in the size and frequency of bug-splatters on the windshield.  Them things are just gunning for us.

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