Precious Therapy

Precious Therapy

So I have a new habit. When I’m driving home from work, it tends to take me a while. When I’m driving back from appointments, I tend to get lost. And when I’m driving back from dinner and don’t have to be anywhere until bedtime…

Tonight we were tired, and there were coupons, so we went to Jack in the Box. On the way home we went looking at houses. For like, two hours. I got actually lost and turned around more than once, but it was awesome. We saw some really pretty houses and we talked like, you know, people who like to be around each other, and it was pretty cool.

Then party-pooping whiny-pants insisted we go home so they could like, internet and/or go to bed. Sigh.

So anyway, thanks, my precious. Can’t wait to drive you again tomorrow. 😀

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